

Deciphering Real Estate

Real estate is a term that describes land and anything permanently attached to it, like buildings or trees. It differs from personal property, which refers to movable items that are not tied to the ground like cars or furniture. Real estate is often split into categories for specific purposes,...

Real Estate Investing For Beginners

Investing in real estate is one of the most time-tested ways to build wealth. It also offers the potential for both income from rent and appreciation when you sell a property. Real estate is often more accessible to everyday investors than you might think, though it requires a significant...

How to Find the Perfect Property in a Competitive Market What is a cash offer on a house?

If you’re looking to sell your home, a cash offer may be an option that can help you get the most money possible. These deals are easier to negotiate, and can save you a lot of time and hassle. But, they may not be right for everyone. A cash offer...

How Digital Real Estate Can Help You Achieve Your Goals Faster

Digital Real Estate is a popular investment option for people looking to generate an income online. You can either build a website from scratch or purchase an established one to gain access to a steady stream of revenue. However, just like with physical real estate, digital real estate requires...

What Is NOI in Real Estate?

Investing in real estate is not an easy decision to make, and it is important for investors to understand what they’re getting themselves into before making any financial commitments. One of the most crucial metrics that investors use to vet potential investment properties is net operating income, also known...

The Pros and Cons of Buying New vs. Old Homes

If you want to know how to buy and hold real estate, there are a few factors you need to consider. These factors include location, cash flow and rent. If you’re not familiar with these factors, you should check out Mashvisor. They offer a number of tools to make...

How to Invest in Digital Real Estate

Digital Real Estate is any virtual property that has monetary value and can be bought, sold or traded online. Some examples of digital real estate are websites, blogs, and domain names. People buy these digital assets to monetize content, grow their audience, generate passive income streams, flip websites for...

How to Assess Rental Property Cash Flow

When a buyer makes an offer on a home, the seller has three options: accept the offer as-is, reject it outright, or counter. A counter offers the buyer the chance to negotiate with the seller on a new price, terms, or both. The seller may write a counter offer at...

How Do You Invest in Real Estate?

Real estate can be a lucrative investment, adding to your net worth and earning you income. It’s also relatively less risky than stocks and bonds, and often has a low correlation with other major asset classes. It’s important to consider your personal financial goals and investment time horizon before...

Investing in Digital Real Estate

Digital Real Estate is a new asset class that offers investors opportunities to invest in virtual worlds and other online platforms. Unlike traditional real estate, these assets can be traded and sold for profit using various methods. Investors can generate income through advertisements, affiliate marketing, eCommerce, and subscriptions. Depending...